JBS-USA aims to provide a forum for Björling enthusiasts to meet & share information, experiences and ideas. We will celebrate & preserve the legacy of this unique artist & work to educate a new generation about Jussi's special gift.
We work in collaboration with the Jussi Björling Appreciation Society (U.K.), Jussi Björling Museum (Sweden), and the Scandinavian Jussi Björling Society (Sweden).
“(Jussi Is)...the only one worthy to wear his mantle, bear Rico’s crown!”
Our Mission
1. To preserve, promote and enhance the legacy of world-great Swedish tenor Jussi Björling by collecting and disseminating information on Björling's life and career (including discography news and reviews of performances), and to solicit members' comments about Björling's work in opera and art song, and about issues relevant to classical music generally.
2. To that end, the Society will:
Constantly work to issue or re-issue Björling’s singing in the best possible recorded sound;
Produce, publish or disseminate DVDs, books, and other Björling materials
Periodically present conferences - both in the United States and Sweden - covering aspects of Björling’s art and life, featuring recognized analysts and critics;
Provide one annual scholarly JOURNAL and two “newsletters” of more current material to members;
Provide the option for members to become associate members of the Jussi Björling Society (Sweden) and receive their publications.
3. To share information with opera groups and other associations (both in the US and abroad). The Society will work cooperatively with the Jussi Björling Museum in Sweden and other Björling Societies, including the Jussi Björling Society (Sweden) and the British Jussi Björling Appreciation Society, in an effort to provide the most complete and current information available on this unique artist.